Francesc Orella presents his short film ‘Letargo’ at FILMETS film festival and holds a debate with students of Catalan cinema schools


FILMETS Badalona Film Festival has experienced this afternoon some peculiar and original moments –in the Zorrilla Theatre, students filling every seat, the TV character ‘Merlí’ has made is comeback. Francesc Orella has played the beloved teacher once again, as a reminder of the character ‘Merlí’ that has made him so popular recently on Televisió de Catalunya.

Francesc Orella has visited FILMETS film festival to present his short film ‘Letargo’. But the audience has got to see more than the film. Francesc Orella has played once again ‘Merlí’, but this time in real life.

Surrounded by students, Francesc Orella stated that the reason he wanted to make this film was that “After becoming acquainted with the character’s story– a true outsider in our society– I was compelled to make a film that would explain this man’s feelings”. Francesc Orella said that “I am not a filmmaker, although I have acted as such in ‘Letargo’. Nevertheless, I encourage you all to make your movies, be it as directors, producers, writers, actors or actresses… The only important thing is –if you want to make movies, you should make them.”

As for the film, ‘Letargo’ is a short film whose only character is a 70-years-old man, of weak health and whose harsh and dramatic life has marked his face with deep lines of solitude. He strives to survive in his old rented apartment in the city.  His only companions are a stray dog and some video tapes.


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