Home » Noticies (Page 40)

  • FILMETS at the libraries

    FILMETS at the libraries

    Com cada any, FILMETS es desplaça a les biblioteques de Badalona per oferir-vos la millor selecció de curtmetratges per a tota la família. La sessió consta de 18 pel·lícules d’animació en selecció oficial de la 38a edició del FILMETS. Les dates de les projeccions són:  Biblioteca Lloreda : dimarts 22 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Pomar: dimecres 23 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Can Casacuberta: dijous 24 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Llefià: dimecres 30 d’octubre a […]

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  • Cartel 2013

    Cartel 2013

    Designed by Mònica Castillo Obón, student of Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny Pau Gargallo of Badalona, winner of the competition Cartell Filmets 2013.

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  • Spot FILMETS 2013

    Spot FILMETS 2013

    Spot FILMETS 2013    

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  • FILMETS has his own smartphone app with IONotice

    FILMETS has his own smartphone app with IONotice

      You can now download FILMETS from your list of sources in IONotice, the messaging app for Android, iPhone, BlackBerry and PC that allows you to keep informed with the latest FILMETS news: schedules and offers. What’s IONotice all about? It’s an app where you can subscribe to some sources you’re interested in (companies, organizations, festivals, etc.) to receive the information you want free, in an anonymous way and without advertisement. It’s an app developed by Ice One Technology, enterprise […]

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  • Launch of FILMETS new website

    Launch of FILMETS new website

    Welcome to FILMET’s new website that we have released this October of 2013 on our festival’s 39th edition. The new website is more flexible, modern and dynamic. It includes the usual sections like Filmets 2013, awards, pictures and videos, TV program, merchandising, contact and inscription, and we add the news section, in which we will keep you informed with our latest news, sections and relevant information about the festival. The new website is more accessible, with an easy and fast […]

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