An enthusiastic public is thrilled by the best short films the first weekend at FILMETS



A devoted public that clapped all the films –more than 3.000 spectators– give in to the best short films of the world in the first days sessions with the short films from the United States of America, the guest country, and the rest of projections in the international program.

The late night session, Manifest, Filmets in shape and Filmets in family make the capacity of the Teatre Zorrilla and the Principal look smaller in a popular edition without precedents. The city participates in the musical performances of Oca Underground, Minna, Maribel del Pino, Tribu Urbana Center, Sónia Moreno, Wimen and the band Les Pompiers Pony Club, from Marseille, that had bring the spirit of the most festive festival to the streets of Badalona with the participation of more than 2.000 people.


Actors and actress like Álvaro Cervantes, Marc Martínez and Saras Gil, and the first filmmakers coming from Canada, the United States, New Zealand, Ireland and Greece, bring the glamour to the Teatre Zorrilla’s red carpet the first two days of the festival.

Thirst, with Melanie Griffith; Today is the day, with Danny de Vito; Cascada, from the United States, or Víkingar, from Iceland, stand out in the first session of the most participative festival.




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