
10 de Novembre 2013 a les 10h Teatre Zorrilla

SILENT RIVER – Romania-Alemanya, 2011 – 30’ – Ficció

Silent river

Director: Anca M. Lazarescu

Romania, 1986: Gregor and Vali want to get away. Both need each other, yet there is mutual distrust. One night Gregor finds his doubts confirmed. In the end only hope is left.

Q – Espanya-Estats Units d’Amèrica, 2012 – 8’ – Ficció


Director: Felipe Vara de Rey

Q has a goal: conquering the heart of the beautiful Dolores. However, his friend Santos does not think it will be that easy. They are going to need a strategy to get Dolores, because… who knows what fierce adversaries they might encounter on their way?

A REMOVALS JOB – Regne Unit, 2012 – 13’ – Documental

A removals job

Director: Nicholas Keogh

A Removals Job celebrates the camaraderie of a group of workers and the unspoken exchanges between them.

IT’S A MAN’S MAN’S MAN’S WORLD – França, 2012 – 4′ – Videoclip

It's a man's man's man's world

Director: Xavier Fauthoux

Music video of James Brown’s “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”.


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