FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will award the 40th Venus de Badalona -Prize of Honour- to the TV programme CINEMA 3


In the festival’s 40 editions since 1971, the Prize of Honour has been bestowed on four occasions upon a prominent figure from the Catalan cinema in recognition for his contribution to the festival: Tomàs Mallol (amateur filmmaker), Josep Parra (co-founder of the festival), Joan Vidal (co-founder of the festival and president of the jury in 2014) and Roland Nguyen (France 3 – France Télévisions).

This year, FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will give the Prize of Honour to the Televisió de Catalunya TV programme CINEMA 3, hosted and directed by Jaume Figueras. CINEMA 3 will receive the prize of honour on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, for its support and dissemination of short films and Catalan film festivals and for its importance as a cultural touchstone in our country.

The Venus de Badalona (Price of Honour) will be awarded next Saturday 25th October in the NIT DE LES VENUS, at 20:00 in the Teatre Zorrilla in Badalona.

Cinema 3


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