FILMETS at the Municipal Libraries



As every year, before the start of the festival, FILMETS moves to Badalona libraries to offer youngsters and the whole family the best selection of animation short films. The sessions consist of 17 short films from the official selection of FILMETS 39th edition.

FILMETS bags and t-shirts will be raffled among all children that attend the screenings, and they will be invited to the matinee “Filmets en Família” (Filmets in Family) on Sunday 19th October at 12:00 p.m. at the Zorrilla Theater and at 12:30 p.m. at the Principal Theater.

This year the screening schedule is:

Biblioteca Can Casacuberta: Thursday 2nd October at 18 h
Biblioteca Lloreda: Tuesday 7th October at 18 h
Biblioteca Pomar: Wednesday 8th October at 18 h
Biblioteca Sant Roc: Thursday 9th October at 18 h
Biblioteca Llefià: Friday 10th October at 18 h


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