International session 7: Filmets en forma


October 19th 2014 at 17h – Teatre Principal

Denmark, 2012 – 16’32” – Fictio9 METER_FRAMEn
Direction & Script: Anders Walter

16-year-old Daniel is a long jumping talent who constantly breaks his own records. Setting records is a way for him to keep his mother alive. She is in a coma, but every time Daniel tells her about a new record, she reacts by moving a finger.

Catalonia, 2013 – 14’50” – FictioNADADOR_FRAMA01 (2)n
Direction: Dani de la Orden

Guillermo is 12 years-old and he will never dare to dive headfirst. He will not either speak to Sara, the girl she is in love with. Guillermo is like that, he’s a coward. But today he is ready to jump.

Netherlands, 2013 – 10’00” – FictionSYNC_FRAME
Direction: Mari Sanders

Iris and Kimberly, long-life best friends, share a passion for synchronized swimming. Their daily routine seems seriously determined by their favorite sport. When an important competition puts their skills and harmony to the test, a little mistake will make their stability shake.

Catalonia, 2013 – 10’00” – DocumentaryCALCIO STORICO_POSTER-FRAME
Direction: David Airob, David Ramos

Female calcio storico is considered one of nowadays football precedents. Its first rules were created by Giovanni de Bardi in 1580 and it was played by aristocrats. In the month of June Florencia’s four quarters meet at Santa Croce Square to compete among each other.

Israel, 2013 – 01’20” – AnimatioCYCLE_FRAME (3)n
Direction: Amir Porat, Mor Israeli

How do you look like when you are riding a bike? A study of movement made with watercolors.

Switzerland, 2013 – 12’ 45’’ – AnimatioHasta-Santiago-Web-480x320n
Direction & Script: Mauro Carraro

Mapo’s journey on the St James’s Way. On this legendary route he will cross cities and will meet other walkers who do not necessarily carry their backpack…


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