First seminar Sala1 in Barcelona with the collaboration of FILMETS


¿Dónde está el cine?

from Antonio Weinrichter

antonioweinrichterIn FILMETS we are pleased to announce the seminar ¿Dónde está el cine? that will take place this next summer with the quality seal of Antonio Weinrichter, professor of University Carlos II and ECAM (Escuela de Cinematografía de Madrid) and author and editor of more than twenty books about cinema. The seminar will be held from Monday July 7th to Thursday July 10th at the El Mirall auditorium (Lafont street, 18) of Barcelona. Every day from 16:30 h to 20:30 h.

The course is organized by the Sala1 digital magazine and has the support of FILMETS, that offers a free pass to every student of the course to everyday of the 40th anniversary of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival and a the official t-shirt of the festival. In addition, the Cinemes Girona of Barcelona have also wanted to engage with the proposal and offer a month of free movies in their cinemas, expandable to a full year for only 45 euros.

Where is the cinema is the question from which the seminar begins, which will focus on the new windows that exist in cinema that are beeing expanded in the last few years and are everyday more difficult to define. Therefore, the course aims to define a map yet boundless for the XXI century’s audiovisual history. Where are the limits of cinema? Which are the new tendencies? Where is the cinema?

You can find all the information regarding the course, its registration and schedules on the official link:

UPDATED: we will count with the special presence of Carlos Losilla, from the Caiman magazine, who will give a talk the last day of the seminary.

Good cinema for all!



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