Registration 2017


Original Film Title*: Genre*:
International Title*:  
It is obligatory to attach a link with a streaming file.
In case this requirement is not fulfilled, the registration will be automatically OUT OF SELECTION.
Link in streaming with English subtitles*: Password (if exists)*:
Film Length*: Year of Production*:
Director*: Scriptwriter*:
Original Music*: Original Music Author:
Director of Photography*: Production*:
Film Company*: Distributor:
Main Actors and Actresses*: Contact Person/Company*:
Production Country*: E-mail*:
Original Language: Does it have dialogues?*
Script or dialogue list in English, Catalan or Spanish (.doc, .xls):
Age rating*:
If you are a filmmaker from Badalona or you have shot in Badalona, please fill in this box*:
Badalona en Curt Session: YesNo
Synopsis (maximum 300 characters):*:
High resolution frame of the short film for the catalogue (300 dpi)*: (jpg, gif o png)*:
International Première: Spain Première:
SiNo SiNo
Catalonia Première: Awards:
Data in case of being selected*:
Name and Surname*: Address*:
Number or Door*: Zip code*:
City*: Country*:
Phone number and Mobile Phone*: E-mail*:
I have read and agree with the Participation Rules*.

* Required fields


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